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Welcome to the Home Page of Mersey Pirates!
Mersey Pirates is a web site intended to provide information and recordings of pirate radio stations operating from the Merseyside area of the UK. All the pirate radio stations featured here date from the 1960's to the present day.
The Mersey Pirates is aimed primarily at all those listeners/presenters with fond memories of the heyday of pirate radio on Merseyside, which has to be the 1980's considering the amount of stations on the air during this period, but all eras will be covered depending on material available.
Many recordings and materials from earlier years are rather sparse and still very much sought after for inclusion on the Mersey Pirates web site. Eventually with your help we hope to have at least one or two audio recordings from most of the stations featured here. Audio may consist of actual off air recordings (including any distortion or interference, if any), studio recordings, online streaming recordings, theme tunes, adverts and jingles. Many of the recordings here will come from listeners and some from the actual on air presenters. Recordings don't have to be whole shows or very long in duration. Even the shortest audio extracts are fine. For details on how to donate audio please see the Help section further down this page.
Mersey Pirates will be an ongoing mission, so please check back regularly for updates and new audio. To those who have already helped us get online and have given technical advice or donated audio then we thank you very much, but lots more help is still needed.
Special thanks to Dave Simpson, Andy Davis and Steve Martin for the donation of multiple recordings, many of which have helped us with the launch of this site.
Please report any web site faults or broken links to us via the email address listed in the left hand menu. Also please be aware that clicking on this email address will not open your email client program, since our email address is contained within an image. This is a security measure to protect our web site from spam messages. To email us please manually open your email program and proceed as you would normally do when typing a new message. Thank you.
Disclaimers; Mersey Pirates is a not for profit hobby web site and does not intend to support or promote pirate radio in the UK. It has been created as a time capsule for educational purposes only and is not an entertainment web site.
Mersey Pirates does not support the illegal use of transmitters within the UK, but does carry not for profit advertising of such equipment for use in other EU countries where the law currently allows or is more lenient. Any purchase of such equipment is entirely at the risk of the buyer and all local laws should be observed.
Please view and sign our Guestbook. We appreciate all comments, feedback and memories!!!! Thank you.
Please email us if you have any suitable audio, information or other materials that you think may interest Mersey Pirates. All materials will be considered and a response from us will normally be within 72 hours, but please allow for seven days, as we do have a varying workload. We would also be interested in any pirate radio related photographs, such as, old photos of presenters (only if personally authorised and/or no longer involved in pirate radio), transmitters, studio set ups, car stickers and badges etc. In fact all pirate radio photos considered.
Other items that could possibly be of interest are interviews or the personal recollections of presenters/engineers and listeners in either written or audio format. These could be factual, for example; station histories, station profiles, details of transmitters, details of any raids and any other interesting tidbits or even humourous stories that you think would be of interest to ageing anoraks and fans in general of pirate radio! (For anorak definition, see Google).
We prefer donated recordings in the .mp3 file format for ease of use, but other popular file formats should be okay. Preferred bit rate for any mp3 audio file is a minimum of 128 Kbps, maximum 256 Kbps. You can either send the file to us via one of the popular download services such as Yousendit or Dropload or you could upload it to your own personal webspace if you have any or to one of the free file hosting sites on the internet such as File Den or Megaupload.
Another option is to just post your recordings off to us on a cd via the normal regular mail (we can give a postal address to you once you've been in touch with us via email).
Finally, if all this is just too complicated or you just prefer an easy life then please let us do all the hard work. Simply mail your cassettes to us. To do this you need to contact us first via email. We will reply back with a postal address. Once your cassettes are received by us we will then do all the necessary copying and once complete your cassettes will be returned back to you.